Governing Council
To fulfill the above Aims and Objectives, the ISC may:-
The Governing Council of the ISC shall consist of 200 members to be drawn from various constituencies as shown in the Appendix and shall meet at least once yearly. However, an extraordinary meeting of the Governing Council may be called earlier if required. Governing Council members will be selected by consensus. However, if consensus is not achieved elections to the Governing Council will be held.
Elections to the Governing Council will be held every four years if required. These will be conducted by the EC who shall appoint an Election Commissioner three months before the due date. Comprehensive orders for the preparation and conduct of elections will be issued by the EC through the CEO. The members of the Governing Council representing a particular constituency / region will be elected by the General Body members of that constituency / region.
Takht Jathedar Sahiban will be Permanent Invitees to the Governing Council. In deference to their exalted status in the Panth, they will not be involved in the voting process.
Functions of Governing Council
Formulation and implementation of policy matters and approval of various programmes of the ISC under the overall directions of the General Body.
It will delegate powers to the EC for implementation of the policies and programmes of the ISC and day to day functions.